
A full chloride product most prominent for dust control and road stabilization in North America

DuraBlend achieves the same performance as a typical magnesium chloride treatment, but can require half the amount of product per application. DuraBlend’s enhanced polymer blend helps it bond to the aggregate, lowering migration of chloride from the road to improve friction in moisture situations and provide for safer driving surfaces.

With more scrutiny coming from local municipalities and concerns of neighbors makes products that reduce chlorides advantageous in managing these relationships.

Road preparation for DuraBlend application is the same as for a typical chloride product, including rolling after grading is finished. This process provides for optimal surface penetration of DuraBlend into the top half inch of the road and improves fleet efficiency. When a pad or site is being set up, the application of DuraBlend can greatly ease dust management, once operations begin.

DuraBlend is applied to roads using the standard spray system, but can cover twice as much area per truck load than full chloride products. It does not require blade mixing to extend performance. Continual use reduces road base loss and improves the efficiency of the fleet, reducing man hours.